Our Intention

“Love is shown in your deeds, not in your words.” Many times, parents become fearful about teen rebellion and want to avoid it at all costs. The reason for this might be traced back to their kindergarten experience: Perhaps their parents seldom accompanied and cared for them when they were small.

In the traditional kindergarten, the teacher plays the main role. They arrange fixed daily activities for all the children. Even the communication with parents is at the surface, simply summing up the daily situation of the child. It is hard for them to target more personalized teaching for individual children.

For parents, you can only rely on the teacher if you are unable to track your child's growth.

For schools, it is not truly possible to evaluate the quality of the classroom experience if we do not have a quantified yet sophisticated assessment for teachers.

For teachers, it is often not possible to remember and measure the difference between each child, but only to think and talk about the group.

For children, their differences and individual growth process are often not reflected. We are unable to determine whether their abilities meet current standards or not.

Our problem is that we cannot really and fully "see" the child.

Little Oranges Academy is an internet kindergarten with the educational philosophy of "learning done by children" and not forced upon them by teachers. School engineers work closely with teachers, so that teachers and parents can know their children better with the help of technology.

At Little Oranges Academy, teachers do not teach all children in a single, one-size-fits-all way. All children will learn different concepts at the same time according to their interests. Teachers observe them, record and track their individual development and provide support. Our instruction will not be based on a single fixed lesson plan; our teachers will understand every child and discover the needs within them.

At Little Oranges Academy, we treat children as our partners…the environment as our third teacher...parents as partners…and, teachers as observers and classroom researchers. We know that we should provide a comprehensive learning environment for our children which should mirror life experiences. We should show respect to our children and provide the correct guidance to them.

Little Oranges Academy gives children a free space to enrich their reading and playing environment. Children are like a sponge that can readily absorb sufficient water and nutrients. We do not emphasize that children have to acquire any particular talent or ability; we only emphasize children to have good environment and appropriate guidance. We lay down the solid foundation and love for learning for children to build on in the future.